BadKat Profiles


30 profiles and 2 Performances created from a BadCat HotCat 30 Amplifier. There are both studio and DI profiles.
The profiles cover clean, Low Gain (LG), Mid Gain (MG), and High Gain (HG). They are set up differently from my other packs in that there are settings for different guitars. If your guitar is bright, you can compliment it with a "dark" labeled profile. Vice versa, if your guitar is already dark, you can compliment it with a "normal" or "bright" profile from this pack.
The Studio Cabs are:
112: Bad Cat 112 with BadCat Proprietary Speaker
212/112: Bad Cat 112 with BadCat Proprietary + BadCat 212 with V30/M25

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Mattfig · BadKat Profiles