SunnTea Tone Catch Pack
18 professional tone catches created from a Sunn Model T amp into Sunn 412, Orange 212, and full DI.
You get Channel 1 and Channel 2 Low Gain, Mid Gain, and High Gain.
If you have been seeking a unique, powerful, and huge sounding high gain - Channel 2 is what you need!
If you are looking for a great platform for Fuzz or OD pedals, look no further than Channel 1. Also a gorgeous clean.
This pack has it all! I have procured these tones to be ready to go right now, straight out of the box.
Here's how the labeling works:
1= Channel 1
2= Channel 2
H= High Gain
M= Medium Gain
L= Low Gain
4= Sunn412
2= Orange212
D= DI (Direct Input)